January 3, 2006


ok i'm like so bored.... no one's called me alllllll evening and i'm bored as ever. i don't have anything to do. seriously... i was so bored i listened to kareem's song liek 50 times on my headphones and wrote out the lyrics, no deme thinks i like him, but i dont so w/e...anywho i getting to not like some ppl... cuz of some stuff dem just not "appealing" to me anymore....hmm...i need a man..lol jk...no seriously..i'm so sad..listening to sad songs now...and, all the good guys are taken...oh eyah, they wouldnt want me anyways? thx, i forgot that part... anywho... yea i bored.. and domz still have me blocked!! oh yah..school soon start back... and danger zone, tha party... woo...yea... hmm... lataz...

1 comment:

moshizzle said...

ur not the one stephanie